Installing Red on Ubuntu 16.04


For safety reasons, DO NOT install Red with a root user. Instead, make a new one.

Installing the pre-requirements

sudo apt install python3.5-dev python3-pip build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev git ffmpeg libopus-dev unzip -y

Installing the bot

To install without audio:

pip3 install -U --process-dependency-links red-discordbot

To install with audio:

pip3 install -U --process-dependency-links red-discordbot[voice]

To install the development version (without audio):

pip3 install -U --process-dependency-links git+

To install the development version (with audio):

pip3 install -U --process-dependency-links git+[voice]

Setting up your instance

Run redbot-setup and follow the prompts. It will ask first for where you want to store the data (the default is ~/.local/share/Red-DiscordBot) and will then ask for confirmation of that selection. Next, it will ask you to choose your storage backend (the default here is JSON). It will then ask for a name for your instance. This can be anything as long as it does not contain spaces; however, keep in mind that this is the name you will use to run your bot, and so it should be something you can remember.

Running Red

Run redbot <your instance name> and run through the initial setup. This will ask for your token and a prefix.