Internationalization Framework

Basic Usage

from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core.i18n import CogI18n

_ = CogI18n("ExampleCog", __file__)

class ExampleCog:

    async def mycom(self, ctx):
        """command description"""
        await ctx.send(_("This is a test command"))


After making your cog, generate a messages.pot file

The process of generating this will depend on the operating system you are using

In a command prompt in your cog’s package (where is), create a directory called “locales”. Then do one of the following:

Windows: python <your python install path>\Tools\i18n\ -n -p locales

Mac: ?

Linux: pygettext3 -n -p locales

This will generate a messages.pot file with strings to be translated

API Reference