Utility Functions

Chat Formatting

redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.bold(text: str) → str[source]

Get the given text in bold.

Parameters:text (str) – The text to be marked up.
Returns:The marked up text.
Return type:str
redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.bordered(text1: typing.List[str], text2: typing.List[str]) → str[source]

Get two blocks of text in a borders.


This will only work with a monospaced font.

  • text1 (list of str) – The 1st block of text, with each string being a new line.
  • text2 (list of str) – The 2nd block of text. Should not be longer than text1.

The bordered text.

Return type:


redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.box(text: str, lang: str = '') → str[source]

Get the given text in a code block.

  • text (str) – The text to be marked up.
  • lang (str, optional) – The syntax highlighting language for the codeblock.

The marked up text.

Return type:


redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.error(text: str) → str[source]

Get text prefixed with an error emoji.

Returns:The new message.
Return type:str
redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.escape(text: str, *, mass_mentions: bool = False, formatting: bool = False) → str[source]

Get text with all mass mentions or markdown escaped.

  • text (str) – The text to be escaped.
  • mass_mentions (bool, optional) – Set to True to escape mass mentions in the text.
  • formatting (bool, optional) – Set to True to escpae any markdown formatting in the text.

The escaped text.

Return type:


redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.info(text: str) → str[source]

Get text prefixed with an info emoji.

Returns:The new message.
Return type:str
redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.inline(text: str) → str[source]

Get the given text as inline code.

Parameters:text (str) – The text to be marked up.
Returns:The marked up text.
Return type:str
redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.italics(text: str) → str[source]

Get the given text in italics.

Parameters:text (str) – The text to be marked up.
Returns:The marked up text.
Return type:str
redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.pagify(text: str, delims: typing.List[str] = ['\n'], *, priority: bool = False, escape_mass_mentions: bool = True, shorten_by: int = 8, page_length: int = 2000) → typing.Iterator[str][source]

Generate multiple pages from the given text.


This does not respect code blocks or inline code.

  • text (str) – The content to pagify and send.
  • delims (list of str, optional) – Characters where page breaks will occur. If no delimiters are found in a page, the page will break after page_length characters. By default this only contains the newline.
Other Parameters:
  • priority (bool) – Set to True to choose the page break delimiter based on the order of delims. Otherwise, the page will always break at the last possible delimiter.
  • escape_mass_mentions (bool) – If True, any mass mentions (here or everyone) will be silenced.
  • shorten_by (int) – How much to shorten each page by. Defaults to 8.
  • page_length (int) – The maximum length of each page. Defaults to 2000.

str – Pages of the given text.

redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.question(text: str) → str[source]

Get text prefixed with a question emoji.

Returns:The new message.
Return type:str
redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.strikethrough(text: str) → str[source]

Get the given text with a strikethrough.

Parameters:text (str) – The text to be marked up.
Returns:The marked up text.
Return type:str
redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.underline(text: str) → str[source]

Get the given text with an underline.

Parameters:text (str) – The text to be marked up.
Returns:The marked up text.
Return type:str
redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting.warning(text: str) → str[source]

Get text prefixed with a warning emoji.

Returns:The new message.
Return type:str

Mod Helpers

redbot.core.utils.mod.get_audit_reason(author: discord.member.Member, reason: str = None)[source]

Construct a reason to appear in the audit log.

  • author (discord.Member) – The author behind the audit log action.
  • reason (str) – The reason behidn the audit log action.

The formatted audit log reason.

Return type:


coroutine redbot.core.utils.mod.is_admin_or_superior(bot: redbot.core.bot.Red, obj: typing.Union[discord.message.Message, discord.member.Member, discord.role.Role])[source]

Same as is_mod_or_superior except for admin permissions.

If a message is passed, its author’s permissions are checked. If a role is passed, it simply checks if it is the admin role.


True if the object has admin permissions.

Return type:



TypeError – If the wrong type of obj was passed.

coroutine redbot.core.utils.mod.is_mod_or_superior(bot: redbot.core.bot.Red, obj: typing.Union[discord.message.Message, discord.member.Member, discord.role.Role])[source]

Check if an object has mod or superior permissions.

If a message is passed, its author’s permissions are checked. If a role is passed, it simply checks if it is one of either the admin or mod roles.


True if the object has mod permissions.

Return type:



TypeError – If the wrong type of obj was passed.

coroutine redbot.core.utils.mod.mass_purge(messages: typing.List[discord.message.Message], channel: discord.channel.TextChannel)[source]

Bulk delete messages from a channel.

If more than 100 messages are supplied, the bot will delete 100 messages at a time, sleeping between each action.


Messages must not be older than 14 days, and the bot must not be a user account.

coroutine redbot.core.utils.mod.slow_deletion(messages: typing.Iterable[discord.message.Message])[source]

Delete a list of messages one at a time.

Any exceptions raised when trying to delete the message will be silenced.

Parameters:messages (iterable of discord.Message) – The messages to delete.
redbot.core.utils.mod.strfdelta(delta: datetime.timedelta)[source]

Format a timedelta object to a message with time units.

Parameters:delta (datetime.timedelta) – The duration to parse.
Returns:A message representing the timedelta with units.
Return type:str