
Config was introduced in V3 as a way to make data storage easier and safer for all developers regardless of skill level. It will take some getting used to as the syntax is entirely different from what Red has used before, but we believe Config will be extremely beneficial to both cog developers and end users in the long run.

Basic Usage

from redbot.core import Config

class MyCog:
    def __init__(self):
        self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=1234567890)


    async def return_some_data(self, ctx):
        await ctx.send(


This tutorial will walk you through how to use Config.

First, you need to import Config:

from redbot.core import Config

Then, in the class’s __init__ function, you need to get a config instance:

class MyCog:
    def __init__(self):
        self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=1234567890)

The identifier in Config.get_conf() is used to keep your cog’s data separate from that of another cog, and thus should be unique to your cog. For example: if we have two cogs named MyCog and their identifier is different, each will have its own data without overwriting the other’s data. Note that it is also possible to force registration of a data key before allowing you to get and set data for that key by adding force_registration=True after identifier (that defaults to False though)

After we’ve gotten that, we need to register default values:

class MyCog:
    def __init__(self):
        self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=1234567890)
        default_global = {
            "foobar": True,
            "foo": {
                "bar": True,
                "baz": False
        default_guild = {
            "blah": [],
            "baz": 1234567890

As seen in the example above, we can set up our defaults in dicts and then use those in the appropriate register function. As seen above, there’s Config.register_global() and Config.register_guild(), but there’s also Config.register_member(), Config.register_role(), Config.register_user(), and Config.register_channel(). Note that member stores based on guild id AND the user’s id.

Once we have our defaults registered and we have the object, we can now use those values in various ways:

async def setbaz(self, ctx, new_value):
    await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).baz.set(new_value)
    await ctx.send("Value of baz has been changed!")

async def setfoobar(self, ctx, new_value):
    await self.config.foobar.set(new_value)

async def checkbaz(self, ctx):
    baz_val = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).baz()
    await ctx.send("The value of baz is {}".format("True" if baz_val else "False"))

Notice a few things in the above examples:

  1. Global doesn’t have anything in between self.config and the variable.

  2. Both the getters and setters need to be awaited because they’re coroutines.

  3. If you’re getting the value, the syntax is:

    self.config.<insert thing here, or nothing if global>.variable_name()
  4. If setting, it’s:

    self.config.<insert thing here, or nothing if global>.variable_name.set(new_value)


Please note that while you have nothing between config and the variable name for global data, you also have the following commands to get data specific to each category.

If you need to wipe data from the config, you want to look at Group.clear(), or Config.clear_all() and similar methods, such as Config.clear_all_guilds().

Which one you should use depends on what you want to do.

If you’re looking to clear data for a single guild/member/channel/role/user, you want to use Group.clear() as that will clear the data only for the specified thing.

If using Config.clear_all(), it will reset all data everywhere.

There are other methods provided to reset data from a particular scope. For example, Config.clear_all_guilds() resets all guild data. For member data, you can clear on both a per-guild and guild-independent basis, see Config.clear_all_members() for more info.

API Reference


Before we begin with the nitty gritty API Reference, you should know that there are tons of working code examples inside the bot itself! Simply take a peek inside of the tests/core/ file for examples of using Config in all kinds of ways.


class redbot.core.config.Config(cog_name: str, unique_identifier: str, driver_spawn: typing.Callable, force_registration: bool = False, defaults: dict = None)[source]

Configuration manager for cogs and Red.

You should always use get_conf or to instantiate a Config object. Use get_core_conf for Config used in the core package.


Most config data should be accessed through its respective group method (e.g. guild()) however the process for accessing global data is a bit different. There is no global method because global data is accessed by normal attribute access:


str – The name of the cog that has requested a Config object.


int – Unique identifier provided to differentiate cog data when name conflicts occur.


A callable object that returns some driver that implements redbot.core.drivers.red_base.BaseDriver.


bool – Determines if Config should throw an error if a cog attempts to access an attribute which has not been previously registered.


You should use this. By enabling force registration you give Config the ability to alert you instantly if you’ve made a typo when attempting to access data.

coroutine all_channels() → dict[source]

Get all channel data as a dict.


The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set.

Returns:A dictionary in the form {int: Dictionary displays} mapping CHANNEL_ID -> data.
Return type:dict
coroutine all_guilds() → dict[source]

Get all guild data as a dict.


The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set.

Returns:A dictionary in the form {int: Dictionary displays} mapping GUILD_ID -> data.
Return type:dict
coroutine all_members(guild: discord.guild.Guild = None) → dict[source]

Get data for all members.

If guild is specified, only the data for the members of that guild will be returned. As such, the dict will map MEMBER_ID -> data. Otherwise, the dict maps GUILD_ID -> MEMBER_ID -> data.


The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set.

Parameters:guild (discord.Guild, optional) – The guild to get the member data from. Can be omitted if data from every member of all guilds is desired.
Returns:A dictionary of all specified member data.
Return type:dict
coroutine all_roles() → dict[source]

Get all role data as a dict.


The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set.

Returns:A dictionary in the form {int: Dictionary displays} mapping ROLE_ID -> data.
Return type:dict
coroutine all_users() → dict[source]

Get all user data as a dict.


The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set.

Returns:A dictionary in the form {int: Dictionary displays} mapping USER_ID -> data.
Return type:dict
channel(channel: → redbot.core.config.Group[source]

Returns a Group for the given channel.

This does not discriminate between text and voice channels.

Parameters:channel ( – A channel object.
Returns:The channel’s Group object.
Return type:Group
coroutine clear_all()[source]

Clear all data from this Config instance.

This resets all data to its registered defaults.


This cannot be undone.

coroutine clear_all_channels()[source]

Clear all channel data.

This resets all channel data to its registered defaults.

coroutine clear_all_globals()[source]

Clear all global data.

This resets all global data to its registered defaults.

coroutine clear_all_guilds()[source]

Clear all guild data.

This resets all guild data to its registered defaults.

coroutine clear_all_members(guild: discord.guild.Guild = None)[source]

Clear all member data.

This resets all specified member data to its registered defaults.

Parameters:guild (discord.Guild, optional) – The guild to clear member data from. Omit to clear member data from all guilds.
coroutine clear_all_roles()[source]

Clear all role data.

This resets all role data to its registered defaults.

coroutine clear_all_users()[source]

Clear all user data.

This resets all user data to its registered defaults.

classmethod get_conf(cog_instance, identifier: int, force_registration=False)[source]

Get a Config instance for your cog.

  • cog_instance – This is an instance of your cog after it has been instantiated. If you’re calling this method from within your cog’s __init__, this is just self.
  • identifier (int) – A (hard-coded) random integer, used to keep your data distinct from any other cog with the same name.
  • force_registration (bool, optional) – Should config require registration of data keys before allowing you to get/set values? See force_registration.

A new Config object.

Return type:


classmethod get_core_conf(force_registration: bool = False)[source]

Get a Config instance for a core module.

All core modules that require a config instance should use this classmethod instead of get_conf.

Parameters:force_registration (bool, optional) – See force_registration.
guild(guild: discord.guild.Guild) → redbot.core.config.Group[source]

Returns a Group for the given guild.

Parameters:guild (discord.Guild) – A guild object.
Returns:The guild’s Group object.
Return type:Group
member(member: discord.member.Member) → redbot.core.config.Group[source]

Returns a Group for the given member.

Parameters:member (discord.Member) – A member object.
Returns:The member’s Group object.
Return type:Group

Register default values on a per-channel level.

See register_global for more details.


Register default values for attributes you wish to store in Config at a global level.


You can register a single value or multiple values:



You can also now register nested values:

_defaults = {
    "foo": {
        "bar": True,
        "baz": False

# Will register `` == True and `foo.baz` == False

You can do the same thing without a _defaults dict by using double underscore as a variable name separator:

# This is equivalent to the previous example

Register default values on a per-guild level.

See register_global for more details.


Registers default values on a per-member level.

This means that each user’s data is guild-dependent.

See register_global for more details.


Registers default values on a per-role level.

See register_global for more details.


Registers default values on a per-user level.

This means that each user’s data is guild-independent.

See register_global for more details.

role(role: discord.role.Role) → redbot.core.config.Group[source]

Returns a Group for the given role.

Parameters:role (discord.Role) – A role object.
Returns:The role’s Group object.
Return type:Group
user(user: discord.user.User) → redbot.core.config.Group[source]

Returns a Group for the given user.

Parameters:user (discord.User) – A user object.
Returns:The user’s Group object.
Return type:Group


class redbot.core.config.Group(identifiers: typing.Tuple[str], defaults: dict, spawner, force_registration: bool = False)[source]

Represents a group of data, composed of more Group or Value objects.

Inherits from Value which means that all of the attributes and methods available in Value are also available when working with a Group object.


Dictionary displays – All registered default values for this Group.


bool – Same as Config.force_registration.


redbot.core.drivers.red_base.BaseDriver – A reference to Config.spawner.

__getattr__(item: str) → typing.Union[typing.Group, redbot.core.config.Value][source]

Get an attribute of this group.

This special method is called whenever dot notation is used on this object.

Parameters:item (str) – The name of the attribute being accessed.
Returns:A child value of this Group. This, of course, can be another Group, due to Config’s composite pattern.
Return type:Group or Value
Raises:AttributeError – If the attribute has not been registered and force_registration is set to True.
coroutine all() → dict[source]

Get a dictionary representation of this group’s data.


The return value of this method will include registered defaults for values which have not yet been set.

Returns:All of this Group’s attributes, resolved as raw data values.
Return type:dict
coroutine clear()[source]

Wipe all data from this group.

If used on a global group, it will wipe all global data, but not local data.

get_attr(item: str, default=None, resolve=True)[source]

Manually get an attribute of this Group.

This is available to use as an alternative to using normal Python attribute access. It is required if you find a need for dynamic attribute access.


Use of this method should be avoided wherever possible.


A possible use case:

async def some_command(self, ctx, item: str):
    user =

    # Where the value of item is the name of the data field in Config
    await ctx.send(await self.conf.user(user).get_attr(item))
  • item (str) – The name of the data field in Config.
  • default – This is an optional override to the registered default for this item.
  • resolve (bool) – If this is True this function will return a coroutine that resolves to a “real” data value when awaited. If False, this method acts the same as __getattr__.

The attribute which was requested, its type depending on the value of resolve.

Return type:

types.coroutine or Value or Group

is_group(item: str) → bool[source]

A helper method for __getattr__. Most developers will have no need to use this.

Parameters:item (str) – See __getattr__.
is_value(item: str) → bool[source]

A helper method for __getattr__. Most developers will have no need to use this.

Parameters:item (str) – See __getattr__.
coroutine set_attr(item: str, value)[source]

Set an attribute by its name.

Similar to get_attr in the way it can be used to dynamically set attributes by name.


Use of this method should be avoided wherever possible.

  • item (str) – The name of the attribute being set.
  • value – The raw data value to set the attribute as.


class redbot.core.config.Value(identifiers: typing.Tuple[str], default_value, spawner)[source]

A singular “value” of data.


tuple of str – This attribute provides all the keys necessary to get a specific data element from a json document.


The default value for the data element that identifiers points at.


redbot.core.drivers.red_base.BaseDriver – A reference to Config.spawner.


Get the literal value of this data element.

Each Value object is created by the Group.__getattr__ method. The “real” data of the Value object is accessed by this method. It is a replacement for a get() method.


foo = await conf.guild(some_guild).foo()

# Is equivalent to this

group_obj = conf.guild(some_guild)
value_obj =
foo = await value_obj()


This is now, for all intents and purposes, a coroutine.

Parameters:default (object, optional) – This argument acts as an override for the registered default provided by default. This argument is ignored if its value is None.
Returns:A coroutine object that must be awaited.
Return type:types.coroutine
coroutine set(value)[source]

Set the value of the data elements pointed to by identifiers.


# Sets global value "foo" to False

# Sets guild specific value of "bar" to True
await conf.guild(some_guild).bar.set(True)
Parameters:value – The new literal value of this attribute.

Driver Reference

redbot.core.drivers.get_driver(type, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Selectively import/load driver classes based on the selected type. This is required so that dependencies can differ between installs (e.g. so that you don’t need to install a mongo dependency if you will just be running a json data backend).


See the respective classes for information on what args and kwargs should be.

  • type (str) – One of: json, mongo
  • args – Dependent on driver type.
  • kwargs – Dependent on driver type.

Subclass of red_base.BaseDriver.

Base Driver

class redbot.core.drivers.red_base.BaseDriver(cog_name)[source]
coroutine get(identifiers: typing.Tuple[str])[source]

Finds the value indicate by the given identifiers.

Parameters:identifiers – A list of identifiers that correspond to nested dict accesses.
Returns:Stored value.

Asks users for additional configuration information necessary to use this config driver.

Returns:Dict of configuration details.
coroutine set(identifiers: typing.Tuple[str], value)[source]

Sets the value of the key indicated by the given identifiers.

  • identifiers – A list of identifiers that correspond to nested dict accesses.
  • value – Any JSON serializable python object.

JSON Driver

class redbot.core.drivers.red_json.JSON(cog_name, *, data_path_override: pathlib.Path = None, file_name_override: str = 'settings.json')[source]

Subclass of red_base.BaseDriver.


The name of the file in which to store JSON data.


The path in which to store the file indicated by file_name.

Mongo Driver