Creating cogs for V3

This guide serves as a tutorial on creating cogs for Red V3. It will cover the basics of setting up a package for your cog and the basics of setting up the file structure. We will also point you towards some further resources that may assist you in the process.

Getting started

To start off, be sure that you have installed Python 3.5 or higher (if you are on Windows, stick with 3.5). Open a terminal or command prompt and type pip install --process-dependency-links -U git+[test] (note that if you get an error with this, try again but put python -m in front of the command This will install the latest version of V3.

Setting up a package

To set up a package, we would just need to create a new folder. This should be named whatever you want the cog to be named (for the purposes of this example, we’ll call this mycog). In this folder, create three files:,, and info.json. Open the folder in a text editor or IDE (examples include Sublime Text 3, Visual Studio Code, Atom, and PyCharm).

Creating a cog

With your package opened in a text editor or IDE, open In that file, place the following code:

from discord.ext import commands

class Mycog:
    """My custom cog"""

    async def mycom(self, ctx):
        """This does stuff!"""
        # Your code will go here
        await ctx.send("I can do stuff!")

Open In that file, place the following:

from .mycog import Mycog

def setup(bot):

Make sure that both files are saved.

Testing your cog

To test your cog, you will need a running instance of V3. Assuming you installed V3 as outlined above, run redbot-setup and provide the requested information. Once that’s done, run Red by doing redbot <instance name> --dev to start Red. Complete the inital setup by providing a valid token and setting a prefix. Once the bot has started up, use the link provided in the console to add it to a server (note that you must have the Manage Server (or Administrator) permission to add bots to a server). Once it’s been added to a server, find the full path to the directory where your cog package is located. In Discord, do [p]addpath <path_to_folder_containing_package>, then do [p]load mycog. Once the cog is loaded, do [p]mycom The bot should respond with I can do stuff!. If it did, you have successfully created a cog!

Additional resources

Be sure to check out the migration guide for some resources on developing cogs for V3. This will also cover differences between V2 and V3 for those who developed cogs for V2.